
Modern economic environment is characterized by a lot of turbulences, restructurations of business entities, processes of privatization and share holder changes, globalization, conflicts of interest groups. In such environment it is important to rely on good advice.

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Accounting service

Accounting statements and reports are important tool for business decision making but also a mandatory obligation according to legislation. Quality in accounting service is key to success for every entrepreneur.

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Payroll accounting

Payroll accounting is critical for all entrepreneurs. Personal employees data security, employees salary data security and accuracy in accounting should be main objective for every entrepreneur.

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Accounting forensics

In modern economic environment it is not rare to see occurrences of frauds in financial reporting, as well as various forms of economic crime. Minimizing risks and fraud detection is task for accounting forensics.

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Implementing ISO standards

Quality management is key goal for success on market. Accept standards that are already respected for years.

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Business for sale

In the modern economic environment, it often happens that owners want to sell their company or they want to sell only one segments of business in order to focus on core business.

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